Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Karikatur Hina Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)

Muslim cleric wants death for cartoonists

Mon Feb 06, 06 07:13:03 PM
Oleh AFP
LONDON, Feb 6 - Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, banned from Britain for his radical views, called Monday for capital punishment for cartoonists who dare depict the Prophet Mohammed.
Speaking to BBC radio from Lebanon, where he now lives, Bakri claimed "everybody" now acknowledged that cartoons of the prophet which first appeared in a Danish newspaper in September were insulting.
"In Islam, God said, and the messenger Mohammed said, whoever insults a prophet, he must be punished and executed," he added. "This man (the cartoonist) should be put on trial and ... executed" if proven guilty.
In an apparent reference to Denmark, where the government has defended the cartoons on freedom-of-speech grounds, Bakri also said that if nations fail to put people on trial for insulting Mohammed, they must "face the consequences".
The global furore over the cartoons -- reprinted in several mainly European newspapers -- escalated over the weekend with mobs attacking the Danish embassies in Damascus and Beirut.
One of the cartoons depicted Mohammed wearing a turban with a bomb hidden inside. Muslims consider images of the prophet to be blasphemous.
Syrian-born Bakri, founder of the now-dissolved Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun, was banned from Britain in August last year after earning villian status in the tabloid press for his militant views.
On Monday he tempered his remarks by saying that Muslims must not kill anyone who insulted the founder of their faith "by their own personal, individual initiative".
"We are not saying ourselves to go there and start to look to him and kill him, we are not talking about that. We are talking about Islamic rules. If anybody insults the prophet, he will have to take a punishment," he said.

Adik Kakak Semua,

Orang Melayu Islam pun amat sensitif dengan isu ini....kalau sapa2 yang hina agama Islam orang2 Melayu antara bangsa yang mudah tersentuh..Cuba kita perhatikan, katakanlah ada orang ingin membakar surau atau masjid...semua orang akan menentang habis-habisan walaupun orang itu tak pernah menjejakkan kakinya ke surau/masjid...betapa 'cintaya' orang Melayu kepada agama mereka.

Tapi kita jangan pulak lupa..ada orang kita sendiri yang hina agama dan nabinya sendiri...ya..Melayu mudah Lupa..!!
Masih ingatkah kita kata2 bekas mantan PM kita dalam pertemuan tertutup yg dirakam :
1. Mengapa nabi tak cukur janggut..."sebab zaman tu mana ada gillete.."
2. dan banyak lagi yang memperlekeh2kan sunnah nabi..seperti berserban/berjubah..etc

Ada juga pemimpin kita yang buat lawak "Kalau nak rasa sup tangan boleh le pergi ke Kelantan"..Ini sempena hajat Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan utk melaksanakan hukum hudud..
Mereka ini juga menolak terang-terangan hukum hudud dengan berbagai alasan seperti undang kolot dan barbarian..

Tidakkah perkara diatas itu lebih berat penghinaan utk Islam dan keluar dari mulut orang Islam sendiri berbanding kartun dari Denmark itu.

Mengapa kita tidak berdemonstrasi masa itu...mengapa kita tak hantar notis bantahan...

...betullah kata2 mantan PM..Melayu Mudah Lupa...